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My gift to you: an Executive Coaching Session

Because I believe in your strengths, I believe in your vision and know you can overcome your obstacles and challenges, I want to gift you a two hour strategy session my executive coach. Rory Cohen helped me, I hope she can help you, too.

Expires: April 30, 2015

Take 10 Now

10 Greenwood Place
Wyncote, PA 19095
215 287 6459

My gift to you: an Executive Coaching Session

Because I believe in your strengths, I believe in your vision and know you can overcome your obstacles and challenges, I want to gift you a two hour strategy session my executive coach. Rory Cohen helped me, I hope she can help you, too.

Expires: April 30, 2015

Take 10 Now

10 Greenwood Place
Wyncote, PA 19095
215 287 6459
