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$30 OFF New Mailbox Holder for one Year

If you are tired of waiting for packages at your home when you are not available, just get a mailbox with us!!!! It is a physical address not a PO BOX address, we receive anything from letters to boxes to pallets for an affordable prices.

Expires: December 31, 2015

The UPS Store #6106

11231 nw 20th st Suite 140
Miami, Florida 33172

$30 OFF New Mailbox Holder for one Year

If you are tired of waiting for packages at your home when you are not available, just get a mailbox with us!!!! It is a physical address not a PO BOX address, we receive anything from letters to boxes to pallets for an affordable prices.

Expires: December 31, 2015

The UPS Store #6106

11231 nw 20th st Suite 140
Miami, Florida 33172
