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50% OFF - Purchase one service and get the second service of equal or lesser value at 50% off.

25% OFF - Receive 25% off of any Paul Mitchell Take Home product.

20% OFF - Receive 20% off any scheduled service of your choice.

Expires: July 31, 2017

Wave Salon and Tanning

5816 Osage Beach Parkway STE 112
Osage Beach, MO 65065

Thank you for being a valued Guest!

50% OFF - Purchase one service and get the second service of equal or lesser value at 50% off.

25% OFF - Receive 25% off of any Paul Mitchell Take Home product.

20% OFF - Receive 20% off any scheduled service of your choice.

Expires: July 31, 2017

Wave Salon and Tanning

5816 Osage Beach Parkway STE 112
Osage Beach, MO 65065
